upandup is a simple schema versioning system for Python dataclasses.


Why UpAndUp?

In Python, dataclasses are a great way to define data schemas. However, when the schema changes, you need to be able to update the old data to the latest version, or risk breaking the ability to load old data from JSON, YAML, or other formats.

upandup provides a simple way to define how to update between different versions of a schema, and then load the latest version of the schema from old data.

Let’s say you have a dataclass like this:

class DataSchemaV1:
    x: int

Users might end up serializing this to JSON:

    "x": 1

Later, you decide to add a new field y:

class DataSchema:
    x: int
    x_str: str

Now, users can no longer load the old data, because the schema has changed. You need to define how to update the old data to the new schema. upandup provides a way to do this.

import upandup as upup

update = lambda cls_start, cls_end, obj_start: cls_end(x=obj_start.x, x_str="the value is: %d" % obj_start.x)

# Register the update
upup.register_updates("DataSchema", DataSchemaV1, DataSchema, fn_update=update)

In the end, upandup exposes a load method that users can call to load the latest version of the schema from old data every time.

data = { x: 1 }
obj = upup.load("DataSchema", data)
print(obj.x_str) # the value is: 1

This load method can also be exposed as an anonymous function such as:

# In your package:
load_data_schema = upup.make_load_fn("DataSchema")

# In scripts using your package
data = { x: 1 }
obj = load_data_schema(data)

Serialization formats supported