How to redefine everything from numpy, and some actually useful tricks for part assignment, saving custom layers, etc.
We’re talking about creating custom TensorFlow layers and models in:
TensorFlow v2.5.0.
No wasting time with introductions, let’s go:
, e.g. converting vectors of size n
in a batch (batch_size x n)
to diagonal matrices of size (batch_size x n x n)
:mats =\_fn(lambda vec: tf.linalg.tensor\_diag(vec), vecs)
, the batch_size is already taken care of:The inputs must, following any transpositions, be tensors of rank >= 2 where the inner 2 dimensions specify valid matrix multiplication dimensions, and any further outer dimensions specify matching batch size.
(batch_size x n x m)
→(batch_size x m x n)
: np.transpose(x, axes=(0,2,1))
→tf.transpose(x, perm=[0,2,1])
into a single matrix:tmp1 = tf.concat([A,B],2)
tmp2 = tf.concat([C,D],2)
mat = tf.concat([tmp1,tmp2],1)
of size n
(makes a matrix n x n
): tf.tensordot(vec,vec,axes=0)
except the vectors usually come in a batch vecs
of size (batch_size x n)
, so we need to map:mats =\_fn(lambda vec: tf.tensordot(vec,vec,=0),vecs)
→ tf.zeros_like(n)
. Note that to avoid the error “you should use tf.zeros_like
instead of tf.zeros
since the former does not require the size to be known until runtime, see also here.In numpy
we can just write:
a = np.random.rand(3)
a[0] = 5.0
This doesn’t work in TensorFlow:
a = tf.Variable(initial\_value=np.random.rand(3),dtype='float32')
a[0] = 5.0
# TypeError: 'ResourceVariable' object does not support item assignment
Instead, you can add/subtract unit vectors/matrices/tensors with the appropriate values. The tf.one_hot
function can be used to construct these:
e =\_hot(indices=0,depth=3,dtype='float32')
# <tf.Tensor: shape=(3,), dtype=float32, numpy=array([1., 0., 0.], dtype=float32)>
and then change the value like this:
a = a + (new\_val - old\_val) * e
where a
is the TF variable, new_val
and old_val
are floats, and e
is the unit vector.
For example, in the previous example:
Same as the vector example, but to construct the unit matrices you can use this helper function:
which you can adapt to higher order tensors as well.
Use tf.shape(x)
instead of x.shape
. You can read this discussion here: or:
Do not use .shape; rather use tf.shape. However, h = tf.shape(x)[1]; w = tf.shape(x)[2] will let h, w be symbolic or graph-mode tensors (integer) that will contain a dimension of x. The value will be determined runtime. In such a case, tf.reshape(x, [-1, w, h]) will produce a (symbolic) tensor of shape [?, ?, ?] (still unknown) whose tensor shape will be known on runtime.
if you want to use fit
or evaluate
or something similar, otherwise Layer
From the docs:
Typically you inherit from keras.Model when you need the model methods like:,Model.evaluate, and (see Custom Keras layers and models for details). One other feature provided by keras.Model (instead of keras.layers.Layer) is that in addition to tracking variables, a keras.Model also tracks its internal layers, making them easier to inspect.
in the
and from_config
— they are needed often for saving the layer, e.g. if save_traces=False
in the model.@tf.keras.utils.register_keras_serializable(="my_package")
should be added at the top of the class. From the docs:This decorator injects the decorated class or function into the Keras custom object dictionary, so that it can be serialized and deserialized without needing an entry in the user-provided custom object dict.
This really means that if you do not put it, you must later load your model containing the layer like this Keras documentation describes:
which is kind of a pain.
If you have correctly defined get_config
and from_config
for each of your layers and models as above, you can just save using:"model", save\_traces=False)
# Or just save the weights\_weights("model\_weights")
Note that you do not need save_traces
if you have defined those correctly. This also makes the saved models much smaller!
To load, just use:
model = tf.keras.models.load\_model("model")
# Or just load the weights for an already existing model
Note that we don’t need to specify and custom_objects
if we correctly used the
decorator everywhere.
Similar to how save_traces
reduces the size of saved models, you can use write_graph=False
in the TensorBoard callback to reduce the size of these files:
logdir = os.path.join("logs","%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"))
tensorboard\_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(logdir,
write\_graph=False )
Or, for a ModelCheckpoint
, you can use save_weights_only=True
to just save the weights and not the model at all:
val\_checkpoint = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(
Hope this starter-set of tricks helped!
Oliver K. Ernst
July 8, 2021