Time to get those animations working.
Ever since SwiftUI came out I’ve been a big fan. Finally no more storyboards, no more duplicate nonsense of half building in code and half in a GUI.
But animations lately reminded me that there’s still a lot of less than obvious tricks you have to learn in SwiftUI. Here’s three takeaways to get you started building powerful animations in SwiftUI.
Let’s start with a simple problem: on an 800x800 canvas, you want to animate a circle moving from one point to another. I’ll start by defining two states for the position of the circle: xpos
and ypos
. Then I’ll set the position of the circle with the position
Simple so far — here’s our preview:
Next I’ll show you both ways to animate it’s motion. The first is to use the animation
modifier. This gets attached after the modifier that you want to animate — in this case, after the position modifier.
As part of the animation modifier, you must specify the value to monitor for changes:
.position(x: xpos, y: ypos)
.animation(.easeInOut(duration: 2.0), value: ypos) // Animation follows the position modifier
Here we are monitoring changes to the ypos
— this means that whenever you change ypos
, the circle will move to the new position animated.
To trigger the change in the ypos
, you can use for example the onAppear
.onAppear {
ypos = 600 // Trigger the animation to start
Here is the complete code and the result:
One problem with this approach is the value: ypos
argument — what if you want to animate both changes in xpos
and ypos
? On top of that, it’s a bit confusing to follow — we have to keep in mind that the animation modifier modifies the previous modifier (the position modifier)… ??? This can easily lead to mistakes — if you put the animation modifier directly after the Circle(), you will make it appear/disappear!
The second way to do animations is more intuitive to me — using withAnimation
. Instead of the .animation
modifier, we use:
withAnimation(.easeInOut(duration: 2.0)) {
// withAnimation tells that states modified in closure are animated
ypos = 600
The withAnimation
block monitors any State
that are changed in the closure and animates them. This is the much cleaner solution to me. Now we can also freely change the xpos
in the same block, which will also animate the position in the horizontal direction.
Let’s make it more complicated — let’s animate the motion of the small blue circle around a bigger black circle:
To draw this I added the following to the ZStack
.strokeBorder(.black, lineWidth: 2)
.frame(width: CGFloat(2*radius), height: CGFloat(2*radius))
.position(x: 400, y: 400)
Now instead of an xpos
and ypos
state variable, we have an angle
around the circle:
@State var angle: Float = Float.pi / 2.0
and the position of the smaller blue circle is given by:
.position(x: CGFloat(400 + radius * cos(angle)), y: CGFloat(400 - radius * sin(angle)))
In the animation, we try to change the angle from the initial pi/2
to -pi/2
.onAppear {
withAnimation(.easeInOut(duration: 2.0)) {
// withAnimation tells that states modified in closure are animated
angle = -Float.pi / 2.0
Let’s see what happens:
… well … the theory was good, anyways.
Go around the circle!
How do we get it to go around? With the animatableData
First, we define a custom Shape
— an animatable circle shape called CircleWithAnimatableAngle
struct CircleWithAnimatableAngle: Shape {
var angle: Float
The path
function draws the circle as follows:
func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
return Path { path in
let x = CGFloat(400 + radius * cos(angle))
let y = CGFloat(400 - radius * sin(angle))
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: x, y: y))
path.addEllipse(in: CGRect(x: x - 25.0, y: y - 25.0, width: 50.0, height: 50.0))
Additionally, we add the animatableData
property, which just modifies the angle:
var animatableData: Float {
get { angle }
set { angle = newValue }
Finally then we can replace the Circle
in the body view with the CircleWithAnimatableAngle
CircleWithAnimatableAngle(angle: angle, radius: radius)
Here is the complete code and result:
Hooray! Much better.
But there is an obvious problem. We are now dealing with a shape — what about any other kind of SwiftUI object? How about addingText
that we want to move alongside the circle?
We need a more general solution.
This is the real secret of animations in SwiftUI: every animation gets it’s own AnimatableModifier
. Here is the AnimatableModifier
for the circle animation:
We see the same animatableData
as before. But now instead of a path
method for a shape, we implement the body
method that returns some modified view. In this case, we are using the angle to update the position of the view.
To apply it, we just use the .modifier
.modifier(CircleAnimation(angle: angle, radius: radius))
We can add this modifier to anything —any SwiftUI object. Then when we change the angle
in the withAnimation
block, the modifier will control how the changing angle translates into changing position (or whatever other modifiers are being changed).
For example, we can create a ZStack
involving both the Circle
and Text
ZStack {
.frame(width: 50, height: 50)
.offset(x: 80)
.font(.system(size: 24))
.modifier(CircleAnimation(angle: angle, radius: radius))
Here is the result and complete code:
We worked our way from simple .animation
modifiers to inheriting from the AnimatableModifier
protocol. I really prefer this final approach, since it is not only more powerful in letting you control the animations, but also more readable — what data is really being animated is clearly defined in the animatableData
property. Additionally, it’s reusable — it can be applied to any SwiftUI object to create consistent animations — which to me makes it worth the extra code.
Thanks for reading!
Oliver K. Ernst
April 12, 2022